Watch the Premiere Panel in Action
After Effects© Render Offloading
Nothing kills productivity like waiting for a render to finish. It eats up your workstations resources and keeps you from working. With ProMAX Platform, you can now be utilizing your network storage system to offload those After Effects© renders directly to the Platform server, rather than rendering on the local workstation. This allows you to send a render to the Platform and move onto your next project. Giving you 100% of your workstations performance, even while your waiting for a lengthy project to render.
Watch After Effects© Rendering in Action
Premiere Pro© Proxy Offloading & Centralization
With the introduction of the ‘Toggle Proxy’ feature in Premiere Pro© you can finally quickly and easily go back and forth between your high-end footage and easy-to-work-with proxies. Unfortunately utilizing this in a workgroup can result in a nightmare when it comes to moving two sets of footage around.
With ProMAX Platform, not only can you centralize your proxies, but Platform uses it’s built in transcoding engine and centralized GPU resources to make your offline proxies quickly and without using any of your local workstations resources.
The result? Full performance and full access to all high res footage and all proxies for everyone.
Watch Proxy Generation in Action