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Nathaniel CooperAug 19, 2019 10:50:16 AM< 1 min read

Kindness goes a long way



I wanted to use today to do something a little different with our blog. Today I want to recognize John Z from Z Systems up in Minnesota for some genuine kindness I received from him.

This past year my two year old daughter was fighting cancer. While she is all good and healthy now, we did end up having to amputate her foot. She's doing great and running around all over the place.

While she was recovering we had some books show up that John had sent and just wanted to share my deep appreciation for that act of kindness.

I also want us to look out for those times that we can be kind for each other. Life is crazy and just want to encourage all of you to look for these opportunities just like John did.

Check out John Z and Z Systems at


Nathaniel Cooper

As Chief Operating Officer of ProMAX Systems, Nathaniel Cooper, runs ProMAX Systems day to day operations. Cooper has been working with Storage, Backup and Media Management for video and creative professionals since 2001. Cooper has lead the design and deployment of some of the largest media systems in the world including a range of customers from NFL, MLB & NBA teams, US Military operations, and many of the worlds largest PR agencies and consumer brands. Cooper has spent the last 9 years as part of the ProMAX team and specializes in translating complex technical issues and options into easily understandable concepts.