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Brian ReisdorfJan 28, 2020 4:00:00 AM< 1 min read

Recovery Point Objective To Data Loss

Your workflow depends how you work. It depends what your tolerances are. Like every workflow has its own tolerance. That's one of the things discussed with clients a lot is you know, what is your tolerance for failure? Meaning, is rewinding everything 24 hours acceptable? Is rewinding everything a week acceptable?

It's not about if you like it or not. But can you survive if you had to work on data that's a week old? Typically the answer is about 24 hours like about a day's worth of work is what people are mostly acceptable, you know borderline acceptable to deal with in most environments.

A lot of our clients are production marketing type clients and things move relatively fast in those environments so a day hurts, but it's it's survivable beyond that. It gets a little weird, if you're doing a big long form project. Chances are you might be able to survive a week worth of edits because most of its decision making.