If you were born between 1960 and 1990 you probably made the mistake that I've made, you helped your parents with technology.
We've all been there. This reminds me so much of a lot of our customers that might have started as cameramen or editors or audio engineers and made the grave mistake one day of fixing something at the office.
Suddenly you got a workstation working you've got some storage connected you did something that made you "the gal" or "the guy." Now everybody relies on you for technology now which has it's upsides. You get to play with some cool toys, you get to kind of take a step back from your day to day stuff and focus on some other stuff. But most of the time with most of my customers I've seen it's kind of that role you get stuck with and it's a critical role.
This is why it's so important to work with a company like us who understands what you're going through, who understands that even though you're responsible for literally hundreds of terabytes of data, backup, performance all this crazy stuff. Guess what. You probably don't have a degree in computer sciences right.
We see this again and again is pretty funny but there's there's a lot of great companies. We're one of them that can help this plate. The person that made the mistake one day of fixing one thing and then got stuck with a lifetime of I.T. support that they didn't think they were signed up for. So good luck with that. We're here to help you if you need it.